Cranmer was also eager to introduce changes, and young Edward, having been tutored by Protestants, was enthusiastic about reform as well. Mary Tudor (15161558; ruled 155358) took the throne as Queen Mary I in 1553, after Jane Grey's nine-day reign. In America, Spanish conquistadors had established courts of law in eight colonies, as well as three universities. Hawkins opened up English trade with the islands in the Caribbean Sea in the New World, and Drake circumnavigated (sailed around) the globe between 1577 and 1580. Thus, Olivares's usefulness had come to an end. They spoke different languages belonged to different ethnic groups, were were no close ties binding them. For instance, he threw a servant out of the window when the young man crossed him. Pope Clement VII joined Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England in the League of Co gnac, an alliance against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. On March 30, 1492, heeding the advice of Torquemada, the king and queen ordered all Jews to leave Spanish territory by July 30. Vasco Nuez de Balboa (14751519) traveled across the Isthmus of Panama, and Juan Ponce de Len (14601521) searched for the mythical Fountain of Youth in Florida. Rise of Kingdoms is a staggeringly huge mobile game. One of the first to seek the Northwest Passage was John Cabot, an Italian navigator financed by King Henry VII of England. At first all went well for Francis. The uncrowned French king, Charles VII, then took the throne in 1429. They knew that The English also formed an alliance with France and, to seal the treaty, Henry's sister Mary became the wife of King Louis XII of France. Originally employed as a designer of costumes and stage sets, Jones was commissioned by James to erect a new Banqueting House in Whitehall. In 1492 Queen Isabella, the monarch of Spain, commissioned Columbus to prove he could find the western route. Philip immediately began organizing the famous "Invincible Armada," a fleet of 130 heavily armored ships that carried 30,000 men, for an invasion of England. Earlier they had been great centers of learning and the arts, but now the great monastic libraries were divided and sent to other Crowned King William I of England (also known as William the Conqueror; ruled 106687), he introduced French language and culture into that country. Philip died in 1598, four months after making peace with France in the Treaty of Vervins. His excuse was that he was forced to sign the document at a time when he could not think clearly. For these reasons Henry VII was once considered England's first Renaissance ruler, and the English Renaissance was often dated to the beginning of his reign in 1485. Prussia won and directly annexed some of the German states that had sided . These two buildings introduced to England the classical style of such Italian Renaissance architects as Andrea Palladio (15081580). Vast, uncharted regions of the ocean had yet to be explored, but with these maps a navigator could safely reach the boundaries of the known world. The Renaissance spirit reached England in the fifteenth century, after the Hundred Years' War, a conflict with France over the control of the French throne. One of Francis's armies then overran most of the countryside around Milan. In spite of tense relations with Parliament and the threat of involvement in wars abroad, James supported the Renaissance that had been initiated by Elizabeth. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). In 1567 Philip introduced the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands and sent Fernando lvarez de Toledo, duke of Alba (c. 15071582), to crush the revolt. The revolt was distracting Charles's attention, so the French were able to move into Navarre and wage war with Spain. This move shocked and offended most Christians in Europe, even many of Francis's longtime supporters. In 1474 the king and queen started the Spanish Inquisition to enforce Christianity as the sole religion of Spain. The three young monarchs bitterly competed for the title of Emperor, but the rivalry was especially intense between Francis and Charles. Henry was having a secret affair with Boleyn, and he hoped she might bear him a son. The second war of German unification was the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, which settled the question of "smaller" versus "greater" Germany. This feat would not happen until 1488 when the Portuguese seaman Bartolomeu Dias (c. 14501500) rounded what he called the Cape of Storms (known today as the Cape of Good Hope). In 1514 England made peace with the Scots, who had invaded England and been defeated at Flodden the previous year. Francis was also forced to make peace by 1529. from Flanders. The third group from North Africa were Muslim Arabs and Berbers (wandering tribes) called Moors. Francis mounted another war against Charles in 1542, this time allying his forces with the German Protestants of the Schmalkaldic League (see "Augsburg Confession" in Chapter 5). The following year, after extensive manipulation by his Habsburg advisers, Charles was elected as Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (he was not officially crowned until 1530). Most chose to renounce their vows. The German artist Hans Holbein was Henry's court painter, and the English scholar Thomas Elyot was one of his secretaries. Other notable leaders fled to safety in Germany. (A pagan is a person who has no religious beliefs or worships more than one god; in this case, anyone who was not a Christian.) Unification was also assured since their heirs were to inherit both Aragon and Castile as a single kingdom. Although it was called the King James Bible, James himself had little to. The decision to seek a water route resulted in one of the most explosive and significant eras in the history of the world. Henry declined to join the French effort. The German Empire (officially Deutsches Reich) was the historical German nation state that existed from the unification of Germany in 1871 to the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II in November 1918, when Germany became a federal republic (the Weimar Republic).. In 1483 Torquemada was appointed first inquisitor for all Spanish provinces. Francis's violation of the treaty made another war with Spain inevitable. Others became involved in a series of plots against Mary's government. Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. Eager to respond to reasonable requests, James called the Hampton Court Conference of 1604. Most German intellectuals were at first in sympathy with the new order in France, hoping that the defeat of royal absolutism in western Europe would lead to its decline in central Europe as well. coast of North America. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. By 1503 the French were once again driven out of Italy, and the Spanish took possession of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Beginning in the late fifteenth century, Europeans took to the seas in search of riches in the East. Thus, on March 17, 1558, the last Tudor monarch of England ascended the throne. In 1619 Protestants in Bohemia had ousted their Roman Catholic king, Ferdinand (Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II), and replaced him with Frederick. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Critical and Historical Essays . Denied land routes to some of their most treasured goods, the Europeans had to find a route to Asia in the uncharted oceans. The forerunner to the European explorers was the Venetian traveler Marco Polo (12541324). do with the translation. The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. Iron. The Dutch troubles worsened in 1578 when Philip approved the assassination of Juan de Escobedo (died 1578), John of Austria's dangerous and ambitious secretary. Charlemagne was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. Richard was killed in the battle and Henry took the throne as King Henry VII (ruled 14851509). His successor, Louis XIV (16381715; ruled 16431715), was only five years old. Great things take some time to shine. His advisers also needed to pay back a loan of 850,000 florins (the Italian unit of currency) they had received from Jacob Fugger (14591525), a wealthy German banker. He also formed marriage alliances for his children with the royal families of England and the house of Habsburg (a royal family in Austria). The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Essex had numerous clashes with two of the queen's most able ministers, William Cecil (15201598) and his son, Robert Cecil (15631612). The Catalans also had the right to raise their own army to defend themselves, as well as the right to refuse to quarter foreign troops, including Castilian, on their own soil. He made three more voyages to the "Indies" (in 1493, 1498, and 1502) to confirm his theory and to colonize the islands he had already explored. But Essex botched the job miserably. Hotels are a thing in Sri Lanka too and they come in many flavours. In 1512 he invaded the kingdom of Navarre and incorporated it into Aragon. These requests raised a question about rights to sea routes. Edward and his brother were soon murdered, and many suspected that Richard had killed them. Tensions began in 1455 when Richard, the duke of York, tried to overthrow the weak and mentally disturbed King Henry VI (14211471; ruled 142261 and 147071). Five years later Mary, who was now near death, named Elizabeth to be her successor. In this case the favorite was Gaspar de Guzmn (15871645), who was given the title of count-duke of Olivares. But in May 1527, Charles's soldiers made a massive assault on the city and caused extensive damage. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like During the fourteenth century, serfdom decreased in eastern Europe and increased in western Europe T o F, The Renaissance is part of the era that historians call the "medieval" period. These people would thus profit from the continuation of the Reformation. ." Finally, in 1543, Pope Paul III (14681549; reigned 153449) convened the long-awaited Council of Trent, a meeting to discuss reforming the Roman Catholic Church from within (see "Council of Trent" in Chapter 7). At that time France was severely weakened by a wave of epidemics (widespread outbreaks of disease) that began with the Black Death (bubonic plague) in 1348 (see "Black Death" in Chapter 1). went on a rampage that is now called the "German Fury" and sacked Rome. The result was absolute chaos, as leaders of states vied for more power and larger territories. Less than fifty years after Gama's discovery of the eastern route to Asia, trade between Europe and the ancient lands of the Orient was controlled by Portugal, a small kingdom that was more than a year's journey away from Asia. Their adviser was Toms de Torquemada (pronounced tor-kay-MAH-thah; 14201498), a Dominican monk (member of a religious order founded by Saint Dominic). His opponents for the position were King Francis I of France (see "France" section previously in this chapter) and King Henry VIII of England (see "England" section previously in this chapter). His only remaining ship, under the command of Juan de Elcano, continued its course back to the harbor at Seville in 1522. John of Austria In the meantime, Santa Cruz died and Philip replaced him with the inexperienced Alonso Prez de Guzmn (c. 15501619), duke of Medina-Sidonia. Edward Tudor (15371553; ruled 154753) was the youngest, but as a male he had the strongest claim to be ruler. A brutal campaign against the Waldensians demolished twenty-two towns and killed four thousand people. In Spain, the monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile laid the foundation for an immense empire by uniting several independent provinces. Capitalism brought about the rise of cities, which were built as hubs in a network of trade routes throughout Europe. One by one the Spanish ships broke their cables and headed for open water. Much like moder. The forty-five-year reign of Elizabeth I was darkened by the executions of her cousin Mary Stuart (Mary, Queen of Scots) and of her favorite courtier, Robert Devereux, earl of Essex. Edward died in 1553 at the age of sixteen, probably from pneumonia (a disease of the lungs) and possibly tuberculosis (a bacterial infection of the lungs). Shortly after the death of Henry V, Charles VII (14031461; ruled 142261), who was Charles VI's son, slowly began to regain French territories from the English. This reform movement resulted in the revolution known as the Protestant Reformation, which eventually spread throughout Europe. After winning several major battles, the Moors conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo in 712 and soon pushed the Germanic lords and their armies into the northern frontiers of Spain. For instance, the English armies were commanded by French-speaking nobles and a Frenchspeaking king. Also the Christian nations of Europe had long been devoted to converting the rest of the world to Christianity. Charles had firmly consolidated Once within range of the Armada, the English ships were able to fire their weapons at the Spanish vessels from a relatively safe distance. Although he would ultimately rescue Louis the Pious on both occasions, the . Joanna and Philip were proclaimed queen and king of Castile in 1504, but Ferdinand did not approve of the situation. During her brief five-year reign, nearly three hundred people were burned at the stake. The Muslim conquest was economically attractive to Jews, since it opened the markets of North Africa as well as of the entire Muslim world as far away as India. The queen died two years later. Q. (now in Belgium), a city in the Holy Roman Empire. Charles saw this as a chance to occupy Naples, so he marched his army into Italy. Spanish forces led personally by Charles took La Goletta (now Halq al-Wadi), a seaport town in northeast Tunisia. In 1520 Wolsey, Henry's principal adviser, attempted to bring peace to Europe by arranging the Treaty of London, but this scheme was not workable. The merchants of India were immediately suspicious of this highly organized expedition from Europe. The conflic, Catherine de' Medici James was married to Anne of Denmark. Immediately after becoming king, he married Catherine of Aragon (14851536), the widow of his brother, Henry VII. In 1346, Edward III won a notable victory at Crcy in a battle that showed the superiority of English ground troops and longbows (oversized stringed weapons used to shoot arrows) against the French knights in armor. Since the thirteenth century all Holy Roman Emperors had come from the house of Habsburg. Philip VI claimed he should rule because of the so-called Salic Law, which stated that the right to the throne must pass through a male line only. The situation changed after 1474, however, when Pope Sixtus IV (14141484; reigned 147184) gave. The map shows Italy in the early 19th century. English exploration and discovery began in the previous century, during the reign of Henry VII, when John Cabot made a voyage from Bristol to Nova Scotia (in what is now Canada) in 1497. James's court was a less happy place than Elizabeth's, however, because he suffered from financial difficulties and his favorite aides were unpopular with political leaders. At the time, there were several factors which prevented the restoration of the empire as it had been in the 18th century, notably the rise of larger, more consolidated kingdoms in Germany, such as Bavaria, Saxony and Wrttemberg, as well as Prussia's interest in becoming a great power in Europe (rather than continue being a vassal to the . Under feudalism, which was based on an agricultural economy, distinct social classes were dependent on one another through a complex system of pledging loyalty in exchange for goods and services. Yet she also spent excessive amounts of money on the "Cult of Gloriana," staging grand pageants and spectacles to impress the English people. Introduction. Although the revolt did not end until 1648 with Dutch independence, the Spanish had many military victories in the Netherlands during Philip's reign. He did his best to save the fleet, and the Armada sailed north. The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? France and Germany were both once part of what feudal Kingdom? Henry finally had a male heir in 1537, when his third wife, Jane Seymour (c. 15091537), gave birth to their son Edward. At Bicocca in April 1522, the French suffered a major defeat and lost the duchy of Milan. This social and economic system had emerged during the ninth century in the Carolingian Empire (pronounced care-eh-LIN-jee-ehn), which was centered in the region that is now France. On December 24, 1568, Moriscos in Granada staged a rebellion and fought royal armies for nearly two years. Prince Henry the Navigator (13941460), a son of John I, founded a nautical school at Sagres, where he gathered the world' best navigators, mapmakers, geographers, and astronomers. The growth of the new economy posed threats to the feudal system. He sought aid from the army in Ireland and from King James VI of Scotland. Dismissing most of his foreign advisers, he appointed Spaniards to take their places. It was the first grammar school to provide rigorous instruction in the classical languages. An able but somewhat colorless ruler, Henry succeeded in establishing the position of his new dynasty, increasing the efficiency of the government, and enhancing the wealth of the monarchy. The marriage contract stated that Ferdinand and Isabella would rule their own kingdoms and that Aragon and Castile were not to be merged. Gradually, however, the kings established a strong monarchy that ruled all duchies in France. Their efforts were inspired by the humanist ideals of questioning authority and valuing the worth of the individual (see "Humanists promote change" in Chapter 1, and "Humanism sparks Renaissance" in Chapter 8). Louis the German's rise to power, however, was not a smooth one, because internal turmoil plagued the Carolingian empire in the 830s and early 840s. This dramatic event came about when the Habsburgs, the royal family that controlled Spain, rejected Mary as the future wife of the fourteen-year-old Charles I, who was to become king of Spain (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). (Such an action was not unusual during the Renaissance, when rulers constantly shifted strategies to promote their own interests.) He firmly established the strength of the monarchy by enforcing his royal powers. Instead, one had merely to sail west for a month or two, across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to reach the island of Japan. They built the Great Mosque (Muslim house of worship) of Crdoba in 786 and the Alhambra (a grand palace) in Granada in the 1300s. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. They Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. Charles's enemies, German Protestant princes who were seeking independence from the Holy Roman Empire, banded together in an elaborate alliance known as the Schmalkaldic League (see "Schmalkaldic League" in Chapter 5). She was beheaded, along with her husband, Guildford Dudley, in 1554. However, Pope Clement VII refused to grant the divorce because Catherine's nephew, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, had invaded Italy earlier that year. A: Francia . Charles V won his greatest victory as seventy thousand imperial soldiers annihilated the forces of the German Protestant princes at Mberg. Francia was never a country except to those living far enough outside it they never had to visit, the Arabs and Romans in particular (which is why 'Frank' still denotes all Westerners in Greek and Arabic, but not in German or French). Countryside around Milan ruled 154753 ) was the youngest, but Ferdinand not. 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