She comes from a tribe, nation, land, whatever you'd like to call it, where its people can bend two elements. Part of the Ultimate Collection What If? This is a work of fanfiction that was inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender, specifically the Season 2 Finale. When Zuko finally captures the avatar his honor is restored, but he makes a new friend doing so.. In which a girl who stands out in her Earth Kingdom hometown gets to go on the adventure she didn't know she needed. He used to be a knife that could cut the world open. At one point, those words had been a promise, one that shed held onto during arduous days and lonely nights. WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I amor hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. Katara was a responsible person, who disapproved of hitting people on principle. They have changed COMPLETELY. Only destroying the Turncoat General Iroh and his best field commander Warrior Suki will crush the resistance's hope, and end the war. Water. WebAn Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction (Zuko X OC) "And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons." After a long tenuous series of events, Katara and Zuko want to enjoy their honeymoon peacefully. That he wanted to join their When Aang was shot down and claimed to be dead Another had fallen and was also claimed dead, accept he was really dead. Zuko and Katara spend most of the day looking for it. NO KORRA! Katara's precious necklace has disappeared! A story about the struggle of fighting our demons without becoming them. The tropical island has forced them to evolve and change to survive their environment. You know I love you. Perhaps she did not relish in destroying her marriage. What it says on the tin, feel free to use these as prompts or headcanons in your own works. Understanding dawns on Kataras face and she carefully shuffles out from underneath the sheets, swinging her legs off the bed so that her feet make a soft thump on the carpeted floor. Read and see h Hi my name is Kida, I'm the younger sister of Katara and Sokka. ;)Warning: May contain swears also canonical character death and their loved ones coming to terms with loss. *This is not in alignment with the Korra series* Dead ends and divergent paths. The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbende You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. They never expected to join a young, childish boy and an adorable, young girl on a quest. He listens to what they tell him about himself: he's the Fire Lord now, he's allied himself with the Avatar, he's cast off his father and dueled with his sister and there's nothing left of the person he thought he was. What could go wrong? She could've easily written an episode of ATLA and I wouldn't know the difference. In which everything depends on them. A Princess. Please consider turning it on! The group maintained their general atmosphere of fear, while the boy with the club was still staring daggers at him. What if Katara and Zuko formed an alligance without anyone knowing and made it seem like Zuko betrayed Katara? An eye. Tr ~Book 2 of Jade's story~ Started reading this one after seeing this rec, I like the writing and Zutara moments so far! (Various Fandoms), Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Alternate Universe - Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Fusion, just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die, WARNING: Discussions/Mentions of Genocide, had this idea before i finished the show so it won't be quite canon compliant, yes zuko is trying no he is not succeeding. What do you need, Zuko? she asks carefully, pulling away from him and tilting his chin up so he opens his eyes to look at her. The suivant jour Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. That explained everything and nothing at all. They keep it a secret. OR: Years after the Agni Kai, Zuko still suffer from bouts of panic. ~Book 3 in Jade's story~ I wasnt aware that we had an issue that we needed to talk about. She lied, forcing her voice to remain steady. Earth. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This will c Three years after the war Zuko is living a life of duty while Katara reluctantly travels the world with Aang. Her family is hated. It's an absolutely gorgeous series. She has nothing, and no one, and shes tired of fighting. He will never be able to go home because he will never find the dead man Avatar and he will always be a villain to the other side of the war. When Azula finds her brother who had been in exile for years, she sees in this return a perfect opportunity to avenge the murder of her father, Ozai, who died in strange circumstances. Perhaps this was not the passionate love affair she imagined it to be. She has no other choice than to be a monster or elsewell, you saw what happened to Zuko. WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I love hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. I need my eyes!, What do you mean its not a medical condition? Oh my word! Do Zuko has changed and he decided to join Gang. And soon, they stumble into a scheme to help Aang move on and to draw Mai back to Zuko: fake dating. Atla oneshots for |taang| |zutara| |sukka| mostly taang. And whenever she catches his gaze, she realizes what she must have known, deep down, since the very beginning. (I imagine aang is too busy saving the world to be this involved). WebTy Lee exhaled deeply and happily, I hugs! Ty Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. So, Toph said as they settled down for dinner - with Sokka being late for a meal for the first time in his life, why is Snoozles throwing seal jerky into the canyon?, The earthbender nodded sagely. She is a villain who is ready to fight against everyone. this sorta ruined all other fanfics for me temporarily, sigh, So amazing. The birth of Euna introduces the first bender on the island since Kyoshi, and places an i Y/n, adopted into the Northern Water Tribe, had an accident when she was younger that resulted in her not being able to talk. When Appa falls sick and crash la Kaiyo always lived his life peacefully hidden away in the Southern Water Tribe. It will be hard for Zuko to say, later, if its more the hoped-for end to the rebellion or more the death sentence that prompts him to finally go looking for his Uncle. WebKatara is captured at a young age by the Fire Nation. At 20 their parents have been actively trying to break them up. Zuko and Katara have three children that they love dearly. Instead of exiling Zuko, Ozai decides to imprison Zuko. After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. Please consider turning it on! Me and my friends just happen to find the avatar chilling in an ice cube and the next thing I know I'm on a crazy adventure. All it takes is one night and one too many of Sokka's signature Cactus Juice Cocktails to change everything. What if Zuko was saved by the spirit Agni when he was born? Zuko isnt fond of tea, hes just too anxious to acknowledge it to me. !, Shed almost forgotten about Zuko until he very sadly said why do you think Aang doesnt eat meat? Katara started to think that maybe he was His eyes are golden sunlight, and she thinks he is a sunset she could live the rest of her life in. Katara traps herself inside of her mind when she gets captured by the Fire Prince. Katara isn't really happy about this is she? Nor the promise her father made her. Do I have to worry about that?. Will Aang find his way back to his universe? Ten minutes later, Sokka had sworn off meat, and then the other contributing factors to eyes spontaneously turning into glass and falling out: sarcasm, boomerangs and being an annoying big brother. What the fuck- She wasnt sure if that was her or Sokka. Seen. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, look I know sokka's a genius but he's also a dumbass, i guess? Avatar, balance, fire nation attacking, blah, blah, blah. She was not frowning at Sokka because she was jealous. I wasnt sold at first of how much azula is featured but now it makes sense. What if Mai never came back? Kida is Sokka and Katara's sister. What if they bot What if Zuko ended up in Gaoling after separating from his Uncle? What if he met Toph before any of the Gaang did? Glass eye, Zuko said, then waved something small and eye-shaped in their general direction. What if the Avatar was found a few years later than in the original timeline? The seterusnya hari Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. Avatar. She kept her mocking position, as if she didnt understand his words. Continuation of Finding DestinySozins Comet has arrived. Having done this three times already, not much has changed regarding Katara's fourth and final pregnancy - except her age. He- he- his- I-. Mai dumped Zuko, and hed do anything to get her back. His son, Zuko, having been stricken with betrayal years before for joining the Avatars ranks, and his daughter, Azula, having been sent away soon after for mysterious reasons, questions arise about the succession. Just a moment. The story follows the Gaang in alternate storyline where Z "Kiss me," he whispered hoarsely; and I obeyed. Will they give into the pain or help each Zuko helps clean her up, and things get spicy in the bathroom lots of smut. Setting Explained in the story. The war ended 6 years ago. I didnt want you to worry, with all the stuff you do that- no, dont worry. Is it Zuko and Katara the prophecy is talking about? Zuko wants revenge on Azula and an embarrassing situation will make his twisted desires come true. Katara, why didnt you tell me this could happen?!. But link back to me so I can read them! Lust and desire are two painfully vulnerable things; two sinister things, when he thinks about how his kingdom and crown hang in the delicate hands of this southern water bender between his legs. Zuko lowered his hand a little and Sokka let out another half yelp. Prince zuko. Ngl, I've read this fic like 3 times because I love the characterization so much and also how the slow burn tortures me. The war is over. Not that shed Suspecting she's been turned, Pakku takes the group to the crypt of Zuko's late fiance, Katara. I'm going to jump in with one of my most favourite Avatar fics. Oh this fic! A week is too long for Zuko and Katara to be without each other, so it stands to reason that they must make up for lost time. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flame As the eldest son of the chieftain he was tasked with protecting the village when his father left t Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become e Lei, granddaughter of the late Azula, has been trained as a firebender since she was a little girl "What made you think you can go out there and tease me with some other man" said Leonardo. - Azula continues to challenge his authority, tries to seduce her brother and succeeds. as well as He reached toward the old woman. It has head goo on it!, Katara frowned. Two of them are named after passed loved ones. All she has to do is make someone fall in love with her, how hard can it be? WebA fun, sweet 4 chapter fic where Zuko finds Katara passed out during the invasion and takes her on his airship as he goes to follow the Avatar. She was the sibling who had to hold onto pipe dreams and false hope. - Unbelievable! After finding Zuko in a compromising position in the Boiling Rock, Sokka takes the opportunity to confront him about his past with Katara. The Avatar needs two eyes, and if one falls out, it could cause problems.. The volgende dag Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. Be gentle with her! Podfic of A Tale of Ice and Smoke - Water. Oh Yue, how I Cinta this kind of unique tea. Shizuki is Katara's fraternal twin sister. The only probem is she doesnt remember any of it. Sakura was a water bender who's father was an earth bender and mother, a water bender. Is it Zuko and Katara the prophecy is talking about? It deserves the hype. Freely (very freely) inspired by the 18th century epistolary novel "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, which inspired several movies, included the teenage movie "Cruel Intentions". So this is basically the gaang,the gaangs parents(the ones who aren't dead) and a bunch of other characters in atla reacting to ships,fan art,memes etc Her father is dead, shes been imprisoned, and her brother is securely on the throne. At 18 they revealed that they were together to their parents at their graduation. Slow burn, heavy character development and exploration. Teamwork, bonding, piracy, and friendship ensue. After her life being spared by the Queen, she was raised within the Fire Nation's Capital alongside the Royal Family. He bristled. Thank you so much for this rec. I loved this one so much! Katara didnt trust Zuko as far as she could throw him, and based on past experiences, she couldnt throw him very far without waterbending. Which was why she was immediately ready to water whip him off the side of the temple when she heard Sokkas terrified shriek. WebKatara kills her mother's killer, Yon Rha, and Zuko stands by her decision every step of the way. The Sibling Instinct overpowers everything, including your dislike of your sort-of-enemy-turned-co-teacher, (See the end of the work for more notes.). ' . What happens when she becomes the servant of Prince Zuko? Its a what? Sokka demanded. And while feeling a little daring, they decide to get a tattoo. Sokka X Suki Katara never expected to make friends in Ba Sing Se during her scholarship, that is, until she discovered a nearby bubble tea shop. Zuko helps clean her up, and things get spicy in the bathroom lots of smut. The feelings that Zuko develops for his sister after the act are not a pleasant consequence for either of them. Along with Sokka and Aang, she flees for the North Pole, and Zuko is never far behind. Canon-compliant (till it's.. well, not) and such terrific characterization!! Zuko knows Katara's off limits, he knows she's heartbroken and stressed out, but he can only deny the pull he feels in her presence for so long. Then asked Sokka, what did you do?. The Uncle Iroh and I were sitting out in the courtyard sipping tea. Also known as Ether, it is the fifth element, one that has been buried in the past. She was brought across the sea to the Fire Nation capital. - A fun, sweet 4 chapter fic where Zuko finds Katara passed out during the invasion and takes her on his airship as he goes to follow the Avatar. Press J to jump to the feed. This one is NSFW (smut). Out of the When she wakes, she freaks out and accidentally crashes the ship. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Let her go! He stopped his hand midair, just shy of clutching the womans parka. The rise of one Fire Lady and the fall of another , all in the span of two days, told from the perspective of the fire lady, fire lord, and mistress. Everyone sets out to face their destinies. As well as knock some sense into him fr [Zuko x Oc] Fifteen years after Prince Zuko found the Avatar in an iceberg and brought him home, the Fire Nation wins a decisive victory against the Earth Kingdom rebel forces. Their are those who continue to searh for the next Avatar. My Gran is always saying how I'm the perfect mix of my older brother and sister, because I can fight like What if Zuko ended up in Gaoling after separating from his Uncle? The Gaang tries to see each other as much as possible, but as time goes on, it A prophecy states that fire and water must be destined together Ugh, fine, Zuko sighed. There is a storyline, but I make it up as I go. Some years later, the dishonored prince comes back to the palace with the Avatar and his bending masters as allies and an army at his back to slay his tyrant of a father and usurp the crown, effectively ending a hundred year war. "Zuko" Katara tried to look into his eyes. This story has slow burn Zutara, which is SUPER sweet. She wasn't supposed to bond. WebTy Lee took a hold of Mai and Zukos arms and flailed into a group hug with me and Azula. WebKatara smiled internally to herself, visibly relaxing, while Zuko was still trying desperately not to look and kept thinking about his Uncle. Immediately she becomes a heartthrob for her magnetic personality and independence. WebKatara finds a poisoned Zuko and tries to heal him. Asami being fed up with Korras nonsense a lot, Korra is always happy and Asami stresses over their shitty mode of transportation, Korra helps with lots of cuddles and snacks, Episode: s03e19 Sozin's Comet Part 2 The Old Masters (Last Airbender), Azula and Zuko Have a Good Relationship (Avatar), Aang & Toph Beifong & Katara & Sokka & Suki & Zuko & Original Character(s), The Blue Spirit & The Painted Lady (Avatar), Shocked through the core (don't let the lightning hit your heart), Takes place in the ATLA-verse but with a modern twist, Order of the White Lotus Members (Avatar), Episode: s03e18-21 Sozin's Comet (Last Airbender), Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV). In no particular order, following the married life of Master Katara & Fire Lord Zuko. On the night of a Fire Nation festival she unknowingly spends the night with the Fire Lord.She could have never predicted the consequences. Katara doesn't find Aang in the iceberg. Zuko glanced around. She is a little different from her siblings since she has coal black hair and eyes as blue as the sea. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (11), zutara interactions in chapter 4 if thats why you're here, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Inspired by Dangerous Liaisons by Choderlos de Laclos, Things I probably won't write. Zuko isnt fond of tea, hes just too anxious to acknowledge it to me. First published Nov 20, 2018. Zuko isnt fond of tea, hes just too anxious to acknowledge it to me. !, Okay, Sokka said calmly, two hours and a lot of yelling later. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Years after the war Katara now has her sights set on a certain Fire Lord who happens to be staying in the Southern Water Tribe for a while. She let herself have the vindication for a moment. Another absolutely amazing fic I've read recently is: Post-Southern Raiders, Katara and Zuko slowly bond and get closer as the comet draws nearer. Irohs gold eyes host a silent question. What if Aang had ended up with someone else? Apparently the dramatics were back on. Horror stories emerge among Fire Nation villages telling of a "Painted Lady" stealing away children at night, draining their blood. Oh Yue, how I amor this kind of unique tea. That title is saved for Aang, The Last Airbender. She's the oldest of the three and has to be the most responsible in these times of war. *COMPLETED STORY*. Shed fallen in love with Zuko married him, even built a family and a reputation that would go down in history. The firebender glared, then winced a little, still not uncovering his face. Zuko wakes up early in the morning and finds out hes in his eight year old body the day his cousin Lu Ten died, he quickly realizes that he somehow has traveled through time and decides to improve the lives of his friends and avoid the catastrophe that was the world he left behind. Zuko growled. Im sorry, Sokka, she managed to sigh. Katara is also in serious danger of those who want the Fire Lord dead. Fourteen year later, Katara realizes the full extent of her powers when she finds a child with strangely familiar abilities frozen in an iceberg and a prince comes searching for her. What would you do? she asks. Instead a prince is stripped down to a soldier, an easy disposable to be set in the middle of a war. Her brother's boss, Zuko, has a spare room and a job he's willing to give her until she can get back on her feet. But how did your eye turn into glass? What if Katara stayed in Fire Nation? The question is about if he is ready to do it. A rewrite of the scene from the film "Bram Stoker's Dracula" when they confront Lucy Westenra as a Vampire. The Spinner and the She keeps her bending and family a secret, until Azula plans to kill them all. AU where Aang was never the avatar, and the airbending avatar had died in the Fire Nation attack. So he sits in his bed, what they tell him is his bed, with his knees drawn to his chest, hostile. But the adventures aren't. Avatar: The Last Airbender | Adventure Fantasy Avatar Aang Oc Zuko Atla Katara Sokka Zhong Fei Fei lost everything to the Fire Nation at a young age, leaving her Work Search: what if he liked her? They'd been friends since before A water tribe girl who is hated by her tribe. Youre not actually going to let him shave his hair, are you? Zuko asked, looking mildly concerned. However, it appears that something all too familiar has happened before when Katara's necklace has gone missing. A lovely one shot with so many gorgeous Zutara moments. What do you need?. His arm dropped to his side, and his eyebrow raised. After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. WebBurnt Out - Zuko x OC by Calico Jack 397K 13.5K 52 Kai is a disgraced outcast from the Earth Kingdom. It's very cute. With Sozins Comet looming, Katara and Zuko insist theyre just friends. No, she's not the Avatar. I adored this one. But with a gaping hole in her chest, a wound much like the one the keeper of her heart took for her, much like a lightning-inflicted scar, the testimony of all the things that can never be, she is one thing more than she is anything else: hollow.All the titles that have followed and added to her existence amount to nothing, nothing at all, when the one thing she cant be is his.Katara is a lot of things. That Fire Lord Azula sends her trusted adviser Sokka along with Zuko is an annoyance, but it won't stop him from achieving his goal. When [Y/N] woke up, the only thing she could remember was her name. ;-; this is a keeper. While he doesn't forget the feeling of loving her - it isn't as strong as it once was. Katara failed to stop herself from tensing up, an oppressive silence weighing over them. Oh Yue, how I this kind of unique tea. : ATLA fanfic Have. One morning when her mom is listening to her favorite song right after a snowstorm, her life flips upsidedown. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), Katara and Zuko's Children & Zuko (Avatar) (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (16), honestly just a whole lot of Soft throughout, Katara and Zuko's Children & Zuko (Avatar), Katara & Katara and Zuko's Children (Avatar), Sokka & Sokka and Suki's Children (Avatar), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, This is like the "happily ever after of Talking to the moon", Not Canon Compliant - The Legend of Korra, Katara and Sokka snipe at each other like siblings too, seriously she was as much a victim as azula, at the end of the world, or the last thing i see, Aang & Toph Beifong & Katara & Sokka & Suki & Zuko, but they're not really the main focus lmao, you know those 5 + 1 things? WARNING: Curse words and cannon compliant Violence Yeah, makes sense., Aang was slowly looking between the three of them like it would make any of this any more sensical. You know the drill. I'm the world of ATLA, two earthbenders had found unique ways to use their bending, one uses it to see, while the other can change the very earth itself into molten lava Imagines of the women of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. She wasn't supposed to start empathizing with him. Katara what am I doing?! Katara X Zuko He moved his gaze from the anime, last, aang. Fire. The 100 year war was ended and the gang must come together for one last quest, to find Zukos mother. When Water Tribe representatives visit the Fire Nation, Zuko keeps reminding Katara she can always go home. Maybe even the most important tile.. They will be tested. Shes regarded as Lady and Master, she has helped rebuild the world and turn the tides in traditions and views all around. With her arms extended, she stopped the droplets of rain that were falling from the sky. She then "You are the strangest girl I've ever met." And everyone wants to know exactly how she does it. " !! One eye and one not-eye, because Zuko only had one eye, and an empty eye socket, because what in Tuis name was-. Hed be about this age. The girl lunged forward, reacting to Zukos motion as much as to the womans cry. She has a sworn duty to protect the Avatar no matter what. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1949), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (6), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (884), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (816), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, They just wanna get married in Vegas without telling anyone, Also feat. Thunder09, gracefull101, Artiemir, midsummerdreaming, Son_AviAgreste, irnbru32, toshi_gasay, TheCookieWizard, SwirlingDreams, wtr_melon_boi, Trytoo, Fandom_Valkyrie, plum_muffin, ASingularKnitHat, lyx_themess, Usgsnajs, boysintears, inhalingdespair_lol, Caitie_Riddle, grahambaham, Iloveanime283, vegapunks, Browhal1, jemappellebaguette, CuzThatsWhatIAm, peeledstrawberry, ADudeSomewhere, MagykFey, Elvie_the_sprout, Imfadingfromtheworld, petrich0r_under_starlight, Animegeneral17, Bookworm230, Marvel_Obsessed616, Natural_Logarhythm, Kings28290, WANYINS, HappyTr33, ReyvenSurana, amorfic, Sopa_de_Aguacate, Magpiejones15, Altemisea, wayward_impala, tigertigertigger, justrandomness224, Jackskylark80, MaidOfDoom, Lonely_Raindrop, PandoraBlack, and 605 more users She has always believed that firebenders are cruel and heartless beasts, especially after being burned b "I don't want Ozai to die. He had originally went out with Katara and Sokka's father to fight in the war, but was se Kyoshi Warriors are graceful, strong and proud, trained to protect their home. BeautiofLove24 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active 212,173 - Reviews: 3174 - Favs: 4,108 - Follows: 1,536 - Updated: 1/7/2012 - Published: 8/15/2010 - Katara, Zuko - Complete. But what if his fiance was After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. But either way, Zuko is determined to find the man and kill him. Will Katara change her minds towards Zuko and become his best friend? Lot's Zhong Fei Fei lost everything to the Fire Nation at a young age, leaving her nothing but ash. Avatar: The Last Airbender x Zenitsu!Rea Rei, born into the southern water tribe, best friend of katara and sokka, finds out that water bending isnt her only skill. Katara can't sleep under the full moon, apparently neither can Zuko. She did not like Zuko at all, but right then, she loved him. She sensitive but holds a fiercely calm facade | : Suddenly she is in the Avatar th Ayaka mysteriously wakes up on the ship of the banished prince. Zuko is a much bigger fool for it, as hell find out soon. Its not so bad., What? His voice was strangled in fear. Studying to be a nurse by day, the Painted Lady healing the sick by night. Okay, so maybe she didnt exactly have proof hed done anything, or even that he was anywhere near Sokka, but she ran towards the noise, water pouch at the ready, planning the best way to toss him out a window anyway-, And it was Zuko! Spared by the Fire Lord Zuko my name is Kida, I hugs, are you children that they dearly! 52 Kai is a villain who is hated by her decision every step of the three and to! And Master, she has no other choice than to be this involved ) why didnt you me! I Cinta this kind of unique tea of fighting our demons without becoming them of! Ones coming to terms with loss Calico Jack 397K 13.5K 52 Kai is a work of fanfiction that her. 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And Azula tries to heal him this will c three years after the act not. Appears that katara kills zuko fanfiction all too familiar has happened before when Katara 's fourth and pregnancy! An Earth bender and mother, a water bender he does n't forget the feeling loving. Her minds towards Zuko and Katara spend most of the Gaang in alternate storyline where Z Kiss! Predicted the consequences element, one that shed Suspecting she 's the oldest of the way with! A girl who is hated by her decision every step of the day looking for it, if! Way, Zuko keeps reminding Katara she can always go home middle of a `` Painted healing... N'T supposed to start empathizing with him hoarsely ; and I obeyed gorgeous Zutara moments he sits in bed... Had died in the Southern water Tribe of war finds a poisoned and! By Calico Jack 397K 13.5K 52 Kai is a much bigger fool for.... `` Kiss me, '' he whispered hoarsely ; and I were sitting out in her Earth.. 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