There are two reasons the Churches of Christ are losing members (IMO): 1) Legalism on issues not based on Scriptures (such as non-instrumental music - young people are turning to Independant Christian Churches with music, or other groups); 2) Lack of teaching of basics concerning the Restoration Movement (Many have never heard of Alexander Members of the International Churches of Christ generally emphasize their intent to simply be part of the original church established by Jesus Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection, which became evident on the Day of Pentecost as described in Acts 2 . 'Each family of churches also has delegates that are involved in leadership meetings, decision making and creating proposals to better and further the church and unity and missions guided and aided by the catalyst team. 5 talking about this. In a video explanation of how the ICOC is structured posted to YouTube on Sep 6 last year it claims the nondenominational Christian organization is made up of 731 churches in 147 countries with a 15.5 percent expected growth over the next 10 years. There is at least one ex-church of Christ support group web site that still exists. She also alleged that she was abused again in a rehab program connected to the church when she was 15, and again when she was 17. The ICC is Christian in its basic theology but has some aberrant practices. 'She had intestinal and eating challenges all her life and I think it stems back to the book [I was given],' she said. Watch on. 'For decades, members of the ICOC/ICC and its affiliates groomed and sexually abused children as young as three years old,' said Bobby Samini, an attorney for the plaintiffs, in a statement to Rolling Stone. The ICOC used internationally different names, for example, in Hungary adopted the name Krisztus Magyarorszgi Egyhza in 1996 (previously: Krisztus Budapesti Egyhza), in Kiev: . And I can tell you honestly that I did wrong every time. Five women in California have sued a network of organizations associated with the International Churches of Christ and two of its leaders, claiming they are victims of childhood sexual abuse and a financial pyramid scheme perpetrated by a cult. The federal claim, filed Friday night in the Central District of California and obtained by Rolling Stone, comes amid a flood of litigation in the states final days of a three-year window that gave adults additional time to sue over childhood sexual abuse. Photo / Screen shot. Seeking inappropriate. At Cultwatch we recommend that ICC members take a couple of months holiday from the ICC. Kip McKean founded International Churches of Christ, which is largely seen as a cult. [Read: Jack Kessler's 1981 Letter to Worldwide Church of God Board of Directors] After much upheaval, seventy ministers exited along with 11,000 members. The lawsuit further claims that church members were pressured to fund special mission trips twice per year and tithe 10 percent of their income to the church to the point that some were driven to depression and suicide. Also, there are many ex-members and other people around the world who are able to do this sort of thing. Michele Chele Roland, a former ICOC member, has been connecting with other former members in recent years on social media and helped organize this legal action, which she says will be the first of many. 'Even though the sexual abuse happened to me in the ICOC at around age five and robbed me of my childhood, the trauma also followed me into my adulthood, where I feel like I am always in survival mode,' Ruiz told Rolling Stone. ICOC HotNews was created by Mike and Justin with the simple goal of making available information, news and Inspiring Stories from the ICOC (International Church of Christ) congregations around the world. It is not my calling to open their perceptions that salvation isn't found by affiliation, but individually and simply because I don't participate in their brand of Christianity doesn't mean anything other than the Lord is using me in a different way as He is using them. When ICOCs membership numbers were growing in the early Nineties, national news outlets began raising concerns from former members that the church was a cult that manipulated people into joining, tithing large amounts of money, and cutting ties with their families outside the organization. ', She goes on to claim that in this role she was asked to recruit people who are 'wealthy, single businesspeople, or people in the entertainment industry.'. 'Our hearts go out to anyone who has been affected by child abuse. Box 12472, San Antonio, TX, 78212. Everybody wanted to be like Kip (see quotes below). 'Kip McKean is an egomaniac and I think he's probably a bit delusional because I've heard that he's said to people that he's a modern-day apostle,' she said. a non-ICC church. We have no tolerance for predators and believe we have a responsibility to protect everyone in our community. I'm guessing that you are a current ICC member? Be careful and never join them! Boston Church of Christ/"Boston Movement", and Crossroads Well ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. In a video posted to online by Stacey Aviva Flint (pictured) Jun 27, 2019, Flint explains why she left the church including how it 'quickly became controlling', Flint claimed that people would be 'shunned' if you married someone outside of the church, that she 'nearly starved her daughter' on advice from ICOC members and was 'chastised' for not recruiting high caliber members, In a video posted to online by Stacey Aviva Flint Jun 27, 2019, Flint explains why she left the church including how it 'quickly became controlling.'. Jeff comes from a committed Church of Christ background. Just a lot of emotionally charged hype. 'He was very charismatic, and no one could ever check him,' she said. A team of elders from the Woodstock Church of Christ in Georgia who threatened to expel one of their members after she divorced her husband and made her new lesbian relationship public are now coming under fire online for trying to live according to their religious beliefs. Founded and currently led (in Los Angeles) by Kip McKean. 'The pressure to comply with the church's rigid demands was a source of anxiety and depression for many members. A former leader in Kip McKean's newest cult talks about lies, corruption, hypocrisy, and abuse in the ICC. The International Christian Church (ICC) is a religious group that practices a strict, manipulative form of "discipleship" and seeks to control its membership to an ungodly extent, and many people have been hurt emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually as a result. Not all who entered started, and not everyone who ran finished the race. Former Members of the International Churches of Christ (ICoC), Ex Church Of Christ. The statement goes on to claim that there are 'stringent policies requiring background checks and screenings of all members who serve with children. The ICOC believes that anyone who is not baptized is not saved and must be "evangelized" and brought into the church. Quotes. So much so that several ex-members committed suicide.. James Huntsman said the church defrauded him and other members by accepting . Beaming Prince Harry and Meghan enjoy a date night at exclusive $4,200-A-YEAR Repli-Kate! Much of the events in the Bible did not happen, at least not how they are described therein. Brooke Shields Bravely Confronts Her Own Childhood Sexual Exploitation, Bobby Samini, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said Fridays lawsuit marks a turning point after years of alleged abuse in the organizations. The plaintiffs claim Lucas co-led the church from its founding. "No Frames" home page. In 2003-2004, a series of events rocked the ICOCs world. 1 - The church is beautiful, fulfills an important purpose in the world, and is bought with the blood of Christ. I can go into listing the thorns of Kip, but it is his job to have them listed not only in his heart, but for those near him to ever remind him of them. We know there are hundreds, if not thousands of others out there, he tells Rolling Stone. When I finally decided to never to return ( other than on rare occasions and for a ceremonious 'restoration' - it is God who restores us, not any sort of ritual or public ordination of men, btw - ), I would do so to see the brothers and sisters I had grown to love and to encourage them as well as being mutually encouraged. It was the Name of Yeshua they were baptized into. The International Church of Christ (ICOC) ICC members can leave the ICC and still be saved. Warning chocolate lovers ultra-processed foods might make you depressed, study claims. Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation? A place to snark and vent about CoC doctrine and/or our experiences in the CoC. Where then did the weeds come from?An enemy did this, he replied.The servants asked him, Do you want us to go and pull them up?No, he answered, because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. The plaintiffs allege the ICOC and its affiliated organizations Hope Worldwide; Mercyworldwild; and a splinter group known as the International Christian Church along with its Los Angeles headquarters, the City of Angels International Christian Church indoctrinated members into a rigid belief system that isolated them from the outside world, then facilitated and actively concealed incidents of sexual abuse and trafficking while they were minors. The same elder appeared on the episode, denying allegations of mind control and coercion and promising that the church helped many people. It is a great responsibility to speak out loud things of faith, and even greater when a mechanism such as an organized religion is derived from that occupation. When Flint had her first child, she claims she was given a book which led her to almost 'starve her daughter to death.'. Remind people that it was, ultimately, their desire to know God which brought them into these circles, and that was not a bad choice on their part. What helped me was seeing the leaders and the organization unmasked for what it is - a business that seeks first to extract as much as possible from its victims. 'When I first got in it was 1986, I was from a troubled home, but I was college bound,' she said. 'If you are aware or become aware of any incident of abuse or of anyone who has covered up such abuse, we encourage you to inform your local ministry leaders and/or contact our administration,' the statement reads. List This group is for anyone who was a member of the International Church of Christ, or is thinking about leaving. All Rights Reserved. It is commonly understood that McKean was acutely aware of the physical, psychological, and sexual abuses Lucas and other church members wrought upon both children and adult parishioners of the church, the lawsuit reads. I remember when a member is falling away or has fallen away, the older members would say, "He [or she] is becoming very selfish" or "she is now a very sad person. Ruiz claimed he performed oral sex on her. The comments below have been moderated in advance. Many parents were crying out to the media for help because their college-aged children were being brainwashed by a cult, the complaint alleges. Joanne Ruhland is in countercult ministry, spec-ializing in the International Churches of Christ. You might want to start with or anything else you see a link to over in the right-hand column. McKean is, according to the cult, the greatest living treasure that God has given the Kingdom on the face of the earth today. In short, perhaps Kip suffers from a belief of not being good enough before God. Written down, the signs seem clear: 1. Kip McKean, August, 1992: BOSTON LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE, THE SUPER CHURCH. dramatically since 1980, there are still 20% that are hard line. Scratch that request, what I wanted to share would have been spreading gossip ( what was told to me in a two person meeting ). leaving the international christian church. Search by country or state. Dont let yourself be fooled, the ICC is not a reflection of Gods character, rather it is the reflection of a flawed man. The lawsuit is not the first time the church has attracted national attention. If their parent(s) were demanding, tough and always ordering them around, most likely and subconsciously the person will view the Holy Father in this manner. This is NOT because of the work Kip has done, but because of Gods mercy and let us both realize that again, nothing happens outside of Gods will and all things happen for a reason and for a greater purpose. Members, ex-members and never-been members are all welcome to participate here. Jamison, I have stated the various actions and attitudes followed and implemented by this organization. Be careful that you don't treat a work of historical fiction as a work of historical fact. and International Christian Churches (ICC) / Sold-Out Discipling Movement (SODM) We are survivors. According to Wikipedia, is Thomas Wayne "Kip" McKean II (born May 31, 1954) a former minister of the International Churches of Christ and a current minister of the City of Angels International Christian Church and World Missions Evangelist of the International Christian Churches, also known as the "Portland/Sold-Out Discipling Movement". That site features two message boards, one exclusively for those who have left the Church, and one for general discussion by those who are still members of the Church. he touched the rock instead of speaking to it. Previous James Huntsman, brother of former Utah Gov. 1976: McKean married Elena Garcia-Bengochea. Sisters Diaz and Perez named convicted pedophile David Saracino as their abuser and claimed the church did not adequately protect them from him. I don't recommend nor read too much of what men write in terms of faith, for one is reading into the mind of another man, fallible as each of us are, and in that one may derive a corrupted view of what is already portrayed in scripture and of which only the Spirit can make clear to us. These thoughts are not my own, but I picked them up in a book called "The Road Less Traveled" by Peck. Give it to the member and encourage them to read it, but warn them that their leaders will not be too happy about it! World Headquarters: International Churches of Christ, 3530 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1750, Los Angeles, CA 90010, (213) 385-5434, Web site: Active Participants: In 2001, the ICOC claimed 188,000 people in weekly worship attendance in 407 churches in 171 countries worldwide. The lawsuit alleges that McKean, along with other ICOC leaders, were obsessed with growing church membership and, therefore, imposed recruiting quotas on members. The recruitment efforts combined with tithing requirements amounts to a highly profitable pyramid scheme supported by a web of paper corporations and sham 501(c)(3) entities, culminating in hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit gains, according to the complaint. Please note that exit counselling is a voluntary action. Please click on an individual church website to find the most current and specific information. There is no point throwing the baby out with the bath water. 'The lawsuit will expose the perpetrators at the ICOC/ICC and its affiliates who claim piety, all the while enabling the sexual abuse of children.'. 2 - The church is composed of people who aren't perfect yet and because it involves flesh and blood there will be problems from time to time. Phoenix Ex-Member Support Group The Phoenix Ex-Member Support Group's purpose is to provide aid, assistance and support to those who are recovering from their experiences with the ICC. Make sure to read our articles on How Cults Work and How to Leave and Recover from a Religious Cult. When I left, they implied that I would go to hell even in a different church. Jesus is ever faithful. This is what two other ICC leaders said on this subject: The person who discipled me in the Lord is Kip McKean, the evangelist of the Boston Church. Please click Branches of the ICC exist in many cities around the world. Right now I am focusing on providing information about the ICC so that people can make better informed decisions about whether or not they should be members or not. Let me tell you something, your church is going to be just like you. John was once a teacher. Thank you! Kip was the product of a wealthy, high-powered family, and for him to live up to his dad's accomplishments in the Navy, Kip has to make good money have a high social position, and be in charge of / able to order around lots of people. Further still, the ICOC does not allow anyone to be baptized until he or she is first a "disciple . I walk into that church, and I know this is either a total reflection of this mans life, or he has lived such an atrocious life before the Lord, that this is a rejection of his life. 'If the tithing budget was not satisfied, leaders or 'disciplers' were forced to contribute the financial shortfall themselves, or members were required to locate the offending member who failed to tithe and sit on their porch until they arrived home in an attempt to obtain their tithe funds before Sunday evening was over,' the lawsuit claimed. Informative articles revealing the beliefs and practices of the International Church of Christ in greater depth. Hinton said that as shocking as abuse cases involving ministers can be, they are incredibly common. McKeans own oldest child, then a Harvard student, did not worship at or fellowship with the Boston Church of Christ. Further, the ICOC teaches that the only "valid" baptism is one performed by the ICOC. Ruiz claimed he performed oral sex on her. She also claimed that people would be 'shunned' if you married someone outside of the church. Beginning with 30 members, they grew to 37,000 members within the first 12 years. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. God will judge his people its a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living god. REVEAL Webmaster. However, just the other day in a completely unrelated college-level class I ran across a similar statement, which was unfortunately without citation. The discipler has the right to tell the disciple to do anything, including what to wear, where to work, and who to marry. I know you write from personal experience as I have we are both in agreement as to the nature and method of converting people by fear tactics and not by loving them and depending on contributions instead of serving people for no return of the investment of time and effort. Please stay away from this group, they are a very controlling group. It is important to note that it is the practices of the ICC which are wrong, not Christianity itself. No other baptism will do. If you do want to communicate with me directly, you can send me an email in the contact box in the column to the right >>. Thanks for the comment. Many colleges and universities have banned the ICoC's recruiting efforts on campus, or have . ), some others saw the gift of the Holy Spirit and desired to purchase the ability ( surely not knowing what in the world they were even saying / asking for, but we can identify the darkness in which they were enveloped be seeing things in this manner ) and when I consider Kip and the influence a charismatic guy with a resume such as his has, this is why God's prophets were not public figures in the sense that they were 'all over the place' in public view or has so many in direct influence, but lived near secluded lives and weren't too welcomed by the vast majority. has yet to be estimated by Alexa in terms of traffic and rank. After returning for the periodic visit and seeing the world from a greater perspective, I recognized the fear the 'leadership' has of getting a real job and breaking their obedience to the man next up the food chain and although I have done my part in warning them of disregarding what the Spirit is telling them, let alone not listening to nor supplicating the congregation's gripes and discomforts, it is their personal journey and their judgment they will be facing yet I believe God is more graceful while judging correctly man's hearts, not I.Although Kip left the group he started, he left in his wake the same mindset and program, which some still adhere to by default, while some others have found peace in their freedom and their faith has grown in reflection to the loosening of the reins. | It doesn't matter what anyone says or thinks about you. While you are doing that, put effort into keeping strong the relationship you have with the ICC member. 8. Jamison, thanks for commenting. McKean is back with the International Christian Church & Sold Out Discipling Movement It means you can follow God instead of men. Another former member of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God--he is the brother-in-law of Macedo--the self-entitled "missionary" Soares is said to be the humblest among his peers. They reeled me in with God, friendship, and unconditional love. | Take it as literature, and observe that the morals that it promotes are cruel and unusual - not suited for any modern, developed people. Please read some other articles on this site, which contain very specific "substance" and "actual facts." We are a non-denominational Christian Church serving the Boston area and all of Eastern Massachusetts. Francis Mbugua, a former member of the ICC's Nairobi branch, was 51 when he joined. During one-on-one Bible studies, persons joining the International Church of Christ (ICC) confess their most embarrassing and intimate sins to members, who then use knowledge of the person's weaknesses to better "suit the study's needs." Hilarious snaps reveal workers who don't have time for red tape, Wife is shocked after husband of 15 years asks for permission to have an affair: 'I don't know what to do', International Churches of Christ Cult Ignored Sex Abuse: Lawsuit Rolling Stone, Church families pressured to tithe to point of suicide | Church & Ministries News, Do not sell or share my personal information. Just like the 1st century disciples were not on a mission to convert people to being Jews and continuing on rituals which do not save, they didn't try to change the eating habits nor the cultures of people, so long as their activities weren't in direct conflict with the virtues Christ expressed and established. Once theyd undressed, he told the girls that they needed a bath and he used that opportunity to heavily fondle their naked bodies while they were bathing, the lawsuit states. For two years he ministered full-time as a minister. Estimates of members who have left hover at 250,000. It was founded in Boston in the United States in 1979 by the cults present day leader Kip McKean. As an example of how this works, the original Boston branch planted the London, England branch, who started the Sydney, Australia branch, who planted the Auckland, New Zealand branch (which resulted in Cultwatch being started). Specifically, that those under Kip's spell can be released to go on to lead normal, self-directed lives, and that Kip can enter a stage of life where he is no longer damaging and controlling others. Christ/ '' Boston Movement '', and Crossroads Well ask you to confirm this for your first to... 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