Do you think an LE source might be talking to one of them or perhaps someone who knows one of them? He could have worn those boots over his jeans, and he wouldnt have gotten wet. I cant tell you how many searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age. This makes absolutely no sense at all. Which begs the question, if Mr. X is BG, how did he come to acquire a pair of Indiana Packers boots, which is what he appears to be wearing during his crime? Can you explain to me how LE would know that BG filmed his crime if he didnt send that crime footage to the girls phones? I have no idea either way, but its just something that has bothered me because I dont see him being brought up nearly as much as some others who have had little to no connection to this case. High Robert, I guess Im not sure when he graduated. No one knows if Mr. X is guilty or not. We openly admit that much of what we are saying about this crime are unverified rumors. Never knew what the case was against this man other than that he had property near the bridge, and he and his wifes alibi of being out of the state traveling got a bit mangled. I estimate that 85% of what we said here in past years has been shown to be false over time. [Featured image: Abby (l) and Libby (r)/Handout], Missing Nevada Woman Stopped Contact with Family, Police Seek Tips, Unknown Man Seen Using Missing Georgia Mans Credit Card in Baton Rouge, WATCH LIVE: Murdaugh Family Murders Day 25: Closing Arguments, subscribe to the Crime Stories with Nancy Grace podcast. What do they mean hes just a decoy? Everyone was crowding around to look at the crime he had committed. Its burgundy. IMHO there is a main suspect, and I dont really care if everyone is pointing elsewhere. Paul, I know exactly what videos you are talking about on YouTube. Privacy Policy. Now, for the first time, we're hearing from the man whose pictures were stolen and used by that "anthony_shots . We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. There is a main suspect who has been the main suspect for a very long time. All other POIs are dropped or cleared at least as being the killers themselves. They had both been murdered. Unfortunately, its not free. 13 Investigates has learned that the connection of the Delphi murders to the "anthony_shots" fake social media profile started with another incident reported to police just days after the bodies of Libby German and Abby Williams were discovered in February 2017. Just before Abby Williams and Libby German were killed in the Delphi murders on February 13, 2017, German captured chilling footage of the man who was about to take their lives. He ran off for s copy for us and sent it to us in the mail. Abby may have been naked below the waist. Were their clothes found with the bodies at the crime scene? Hes connected to a local sex offender in the area (a friend, or family membercousin?). Link to cold case Linda Weldy, A thread has already been posted about Police Scanners. The murdered girls, who attended Delphi Community Middle School where they played saxophone and volleyball together, had visited the bridge before the day they died. But know, this is deliberate. How many times has he been cleared? Its an understandable reaction, but theyre not pleasant to be around. Plenty of time to get numbers, etc. No one has to believe me when I say LE has a main suspect, but there are number of suspects that ought to be put to rest. Now he says he never saw BG at all. It is important to note that you are under no obligation to tell the police anything. What are they doing to move this forward? But how could they possibly know this? (WPTA/WNDU) - Documents have been released in the Delphi murders case, but questions about the evidence and how Abby Williams and Libby German died remain. Newly-obtained transcripts were released shortly after the fifth anniversary of the deaths of Abby Williams and Liberty German, two young girls who were murdered in Delphi, Indiana, in 2017. Sex workers talk, rumours saved a lot of workers in Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror. Brad was a suspect for a while, and one of the detectives working on the case even stated off the record that he thought Brad did it. Tuesday 27 December 2022 22:58 Bodycam footage from night of Idaho murders A University of Idaho professor has filed a lawsuit against a woman who baselessly linked her to the brutal murders. Im not sure how he got there, if he drove a car, or if so, where he parked it. Mr. Lindsay, Is there a place on your site where you can pay/register? You will see below where we regard certain things as Proven. You say that you dont even have a suspect, and youre waiting on that one tip to come in, but youre worried about double jeopardy? They just think its a sin that needs to be overcome. Dont pay any attention to that.. We now have search party members who saw the crime scene; official case documents; the testimony of Leigh Kerr, a man who claims to have seen official case documents; accurate crime scene photos; and the best LE sources we have ever had. Theyre swarming all over this crime scene, and the killer is standing right here under their noses in the midst of the chaos for hours, and these coptards cant figure this out. We think he likes to fool and troll LE. He thinks it is Garrett Kirts. Robert Lindsay is the leader of a sleuthing group that presently has ~230 paid members. Im not buying the fact that they just werent equipped to handle an investigation of this magnitude. He could offend today in say, Ohio and offend in Illinois and be in his journey back home to commit more offenses. Delphi Homicide Investigation Tip Line at 844-459-5786 Indiana State Police at 800-382-7537 The Carroll County Sheriff's Department at 765-564-2413 Email I can only hope that justice is served for Abby and Libby and that their families are one day able to find peace. Put the competing theory to the logic test. All rights reserved. It was all over by 3:30. Then again, what if it wasnt? You can tell by many things gait, body shape, manner of walking, voice, etc. I cant demand that my friends give me money! Back to the POI, in February 2017, he lived next door to the cemetery which makes his actions and ruse around his truck & keys even more suspicious, if that is possible. Im not sure if pregnancy can be confirmed via autopsy before 6 weeks. Id rather not look into the NHI* (no humans involved) cases in the ghetto where one group of scumbags shoots up some other group of scumbags. The police cant prevent private citizens from searching on their own, and its my understanding that many did. I dont know if the bridge was within eyeshot of the spot where the girls were found. He will crack soon. Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. John Kelly has some good information. We reported them one year before it came out in the media that they were all true. The dots connecting back to Iowa with the Tyson plant etc is great investigative work. You Go Girl! Not even Becky Patty and she was probably more devastated than anyone and probably still is. Four people are involved at least peripherally, BG and three others. Theres no evidence that either man has been to the bridge even one time! You claim he works at Indiana Packers then say his profession is woodworking. However, we presently lack evidence that Mr. X worked at Indiana Packers. We agree with that because we think they were sitting in his pocket the whole time! Why on Earth would someone stay next to their truck all through one evening and night through the next early AM and morning into the afternoon? Abigail "Abby" Williams, 13, and Liberty "Libby" German disappeared from the Delphi Historic trails while taking an afternoon stroll on Feb. 13, 2018, as previously reported. Latest: heartanium. He concurred that a high error rate is normal early in the investigation and he also said that by 4-5 years later, you may well get a much clearer picture of the crime. Please help me out here. I do not feel that this has anything to do with anything. People are saying that we have a copy of the gag order that was issued on the towing of the truck at the CPS building. I read most of those posts over there and of course I read any post about me. Notice that BG committed his crime with large knives or hatchets, his preferred weapon. What that has to do with anything is not known. I found who mr. X is. There are 244 comments there. Well, guess what? The fact that we were given little to no information about what really happened to Abby and Libby other than they were murdered by BG) from LE says a lot more to me than LE lets on. Im seeing in between. Hes a mechanic by trade, but used to drive trucks and works for a local trucking company with a high profile. A subpoena for an IP address led to another address in Peru, and a second search warrant found Kline and his father there. The incident was nicknamed the Snapchat Murders after Abby took a photo of Libby at around 2:17 p.m. and put it on social media. A large crowd attended a St. Joseph County Council committee Tuesday night, as some high profile assistance programs could get funding cuts. No one knows if he did this crime or not. It is being said that we are claiming all sorts of odd things about this crime, what happened, and the crime scene. I thought there was more to this blog. We may or may not have from 1-8 more official case documents from this case. They think he did it. Someone driving from Laporte to either of these places would very likely pass through Kingsbury on a normal trek not involving abduction and murder. Also, if I look at a map showing where the girls were dropped off, seems there is a pretty long trail from that spot onto the railroad bridge. Theyre generally unusable. Are we making up lies about getting information from police when we actually have no contacts with them? He has connections with current LE officers. Ive used that a thousand times, especially when there are two or more suspects in adjacent interrogation rooms. She was emphatic about that. BG is obviously a middle-aged man around 50. You just dont know what a person is capable of. I thought nobody looked like the BG in the actual video than PB (especially compared to that FB image with a deer)But now, not a chanceKirts fits that mofo better than allIts in the cheeks, the spit, etcThe cops have known for a while its him too I think. If so, wouldnt the coroner be able to obtain DNA from the fetus? Too fucking bad. Now, Im not a member of LE, and I have never claimed to have investigation experience, but I believe Im a fairly intelligent person with at least average reasoning skills. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. Some new info here. Search. They dont have enough on the main suspect him to take him to trial, but they enough to think did it. Maybe he sent it to Libbys phone. Court documents released by a true-crime podcast shed more light on the investigation of the unsolved 2017 murders to two teen girls in Delphi, Indiana. At 13 and 14 the cycles are messed up bad. I cant see where this is! FORT WAYNE, Ind. The theory is that he was in on these murders for mercenary reasons, such as a malign desire to purchase Ron Logans land. About eight days after the murders, this man shoots and kills his 16 year old live-in girlfriend while allegedly cleaning his firearm. Newly-obtained transcripts were released shortly after the fifth anniversary of the deaths of Abby Williams and Liberty German, two young girls who were murdered in Delphi, Indiana, in 2017. This proves more of Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said BG sent photos or video to one of the girls phones after the crime. I dont know if its in a garage, or the shed, perhaps? If anyone else is involved they know who it is. Not sure why that is. Otherwise why do we have religions? What makes even less sense to me are some of the things that they have said or at least have not challenged as not being factual. Young girls menstrual cycles can be so messed up until possibly a few years later. The rejoinders also say that either he never lost his keys or he did and he called the wife to bring a spare, and she did, evidence being the police scanner. This is what happened. I am featuring a world renowned psychic detective through an interview Ill be conducting tomorrow. Join Nancy Grace for her new online video series designed to help you protect what you love most your children. Interestingly, I had NO idea who you were (sorry). 8) He drives an older model Ford Ranger type of truck. In addition, note that he abducted two girls on the 13th, 2-13. You came over here after sitting over of that hate Reddit, LibbyandAbby where youve been hating on me. He took it with him in some sort of hunting pack? I wont reveal who I am talking about here though it should be obvious. So the stellar members of LE have RL arrested and sent to jail all the while knowing he couldnt have committed this crime but doing NOTHING to stop the entire community from believing, first, that RL was a main suspect in the case,, and second, believing that he was in jail because he was a suspect! We just sent a couple of our investigators out to Delphi and surrounding towns. Do you feel that the KAK (Anthony_shots) announcement is a red herring or that its linked to the Delphi murders? Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. Not long afterwards, the pink stripe was removed from the truck, witnesses say. Last, I want to bring up RL and the dirty hand LE dealt him throughout all of this. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Lawyered up, not talking. How about getting your moneys worth? Stop. Tip Line: (765) 822-3535. Good job though, because you confirm much of what Ive seen. And when they said BG was actually better described as a combination of both sketches, they were correct too. At this point, they dont even have enough for an arrest. The girls would have also been subject to hypothermia?? MIAMI COUNTY, Ind. 9) He has killed before. No ones been hurt by this case more than Becky Patty. Others close to the victims, who I will not name, have channeled their grief into rage and lashing out at everyone around them. Underwear, possible two pairs, was found in the river. Senior high school: First years unknown but graduated from Delphi High School in 1984-85. Keep in mind that we are not claiming that anything listed below as Unverified is true, although some it has a good chance of being true. How do you join and can you join as a European? By that I mean that he probably has offended many times but being transient affords one the luxury of not getting caught. He was one of the original witnesses who saw BG and gave a description. Then come email me and I will send you a link to the private group and a password to get you in. The family knew something was wrong. He was also being investigated as a possible suspect in the kidnapping and murders of . We obtained this document via a public records request. They have most recently stated that they want to avoid double jeopardy. Novella Nedeff, a clinical associate professor at Indiana University's McKinney School of Law, said sealing court records after a defendant is in custody is unprecedented to her, and speculated. Instead of bashing us, why dont you ask why the cops are telling us this stuff? This what first aroused LE suspicions of Mr. X. Busy location with a diner nearby. Archived post. However, Goodpaster says any additional forensic analysis could be the key to solving the murders. BG was very well disguised that day with a white scarf covering the lower half of his face. You cannot keep your own story straight. This is a community where we can speak openly about the murders of Libby and Abby while searching for justice. That mod who runs the Libby/Abby Subreddit where LK hosted his Q&A and whom he specifically references (and per himself has given her proof of his real identity) seems to be indicating that LK is not who he claims to be. These people are from all over the country and have expertise in all sorts of different areas. We have no idea why the order was issued. The voice was a good match, the clothes looked familiar, and the walk was dead on. Can you spell out the name? Although his face isnt clear in the picture, it was enough to give authorities a general description. Incidentally, this LE detective thinks our police sources are all real sources and thinks we are on the right trail. Turned out he was just some troll who wanted people to think he committed these murders instead of being the person who actually did them. It could explain why there was such a drastic image change of BG from first sketch to second one. Theres a connection that has been missed! A book has been published accusing this man of this crime. I am sure he was asked. Education history: Primary and junior high unknown. Hence, formally, everything Leaker said has gone into unconfirmed rumors other than the things we were able to confirm from other probative sources. Possible Harley buddies (friends who ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles), as Mike is an avid Harley rider. So, yes, although the Evansdale girls were mere skeletons when found, LE believes they were posed. Phallic objects, specifically a log and a doll, placed next and perpendicular to the genitals of the girls to give the impression that they were being sexually penetrated by these objects. Yes, they did record audio of themselves torturing those girls. Makes no sense at all. If you cant handle such material, dont read! Because it doesnt matter whether I think hes guilty or not. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad4d5c5b719b64aff4ecea2be3a4c15a" );document.getElementById("b83dbe3da2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Dolls were hanging from trees at the crime scene. Thank you for all the work on the Delphi case. I do not feel comfortable using his initials or certainly his name. How do you know he had a deer kit and how many knives he had? They werent that close. I live in Pennsylvania and have been interested in this case since the time it happened. LE themselves have admitted that they have one smudged fingerprint. Always. A post from the horrible r/LibbyandAbby slime hole on Reddit. (Indiana State Police) Authorities in Delphi, Indiana, have issued a fresh plea for information about a fake social media profile they suspect was used to lure two teenage girls to their deaths. They act like Im sort of deranged psychopathic maniac whos a danger to women and children. I still have the pic. Gull set aside June 15 and June 16, if needed for a bail hearing for Allen. Anything that shows they crossed the creek that evening. The scope of this investigation in terms of who the police think did it and how it unfolded has been dramatically narrowed. Ive followed your articles over the past four years and find your insight quite interesting! We also dont know the name of the hotel or motel that they stayed in. LE caught Mr. X in the lies about losing his keys, calling his wife to bring him a spare, and a spare even existing in the first place. Residence at time of crime: Delphi, Indiana since 1984. The first sections deal with somewhat extraneous material that you may or may not find interesting. I didnt mean to imply that, sorry. No, LK is the real deal. I actually had written a letter to law enforcement that I failed to send, of which I was reading from. Investigators are searching for the killer using their biggest clue: a recording of his voice from one of the victims' phones ordering the girls Down the Hill. Its $20. I could know that some guy was a serial killer with 10 victims, and I dont have to go to the police. Then email me and and I will give you the link and password and I will also let you into the new forum where you can set up your own name and password. Hmm . I cannot remember which girl had taken the photo of the man on the bridge with her cell phone, but I had read somewhere that on that cell phone there was audio of her saying something about a weird man approaching them and that is why she took the photo. In the documents we have, it is openly stated that BG abducted the girls at precisely 2:13 PM. Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. Fan Casting Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi by Lucasfilm Ltd. Story added by alecgroskreutz1 on February 22, 2023. . 10) Regarding crime scene: Red herrings to throw off law enforcement. It was also asked How did BG get across that knee-high stream in the middle of winter without nearly getting hypothermia? The girls would have also been subject to hypothermia?? before that he was at dump and after that he went to fish store. (inaudible), Police: You, you admitted you talked to her . Allen, who has entered . The category below Proven is ally called Unverified with Different Qualifications. Just thought I would draw your attention to it. Court documents say Richard Allen, 50, admitted to being on the moon High Bridge Trail where the two girls were last seen in 2017. They say they want to prevent false confessions. Find these clothes, they will be what solves this! Did the girls have wet clothes where they were found? Amazing work! Im fooling the cops, ha ha! is the thinking. Note that it was parked in head first. This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Court documents newly obtained by WDRB link a man in jail with social media accounts police are investigating in connection with the murders of two young girls in. Would you please email me? Im sure his wife Mrs. X knows or suspects what he has done but she wont roll overKeep up the great work and hopefully they get this SOB! 'A. We dont know about you all, but when we go visit our friends, we generally dont park a quarter mile away and hike in. Whatever it was that caused her to react in such a way, I just hope she shared with law enforcement. As you can see, the numbers are the same. Mr. X needed the lost his keys excuse to explain how he stayed in that spot for 18 hours. Video of the incident was released by police. 14) For more, see video, though this is the gist of it. 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